IT Works Workshops and Seminars for IT Professionals
I.T. Works Events – From business improvement idea to IT implementation
I.T. Works has been organizing seminars and workshops on technical and business IT topics for more than 20 years. Our high-quality, information-packed, vendor-independent events provide solutions to the problems that many IT and business professionals face today.
If you have any questions concerning our company or our products, or if you would like to cooperate with us as a speaker, content contributor, sponsor, exhibitor or advertiser, do not hesitate to contact us by email via or on twitter via // (tweet to @itworks).
Here are some of our new events:
- BPMN 2.0 Syntax en Positionering
- BPMN 2.0 in de Praktijk (Workshop)
- Pragmatic Modelling with UML and Use Cases
- Mastering the Requirements Process (Workshop)
- Kennismanagement in een Microsoft omgeving
- Big Data, NoSQL, NewSQL and Analytics
- Data-Architectuur voor Business Intelligence
- Mastering Business Analysis
- Mastering the Requirements Process II
- Business Innovation, Transformation and IT Leadership
- Project Managers gaan Agile
- Datavirtualisatie voor Agile Business Intelligence
- Operational en Real-Time Business Intelligence