
This is how the retailer and his customer get engaged

This is how the retailer and his customer get engaged

Critical Issue
Succeeding in today"s low-growth, low-margin environment and responding to high-growth channels and emerging markets require a comprehensive, transformational approach
There are three main lines of thought about the future of retailing:
Every customer today has online expectations which he wants to see translated in the offline, real world of the retail shop
Business intelligence, i.e. the deep know how about stock, customer expectations, social media use, are transforming retail in ways unimaginable 10 years ago
The ‘look and feel’ of the store is changing so fundamentally with the ongoing digital shopping revolution that a new retail experience is emerging, one where technology fades to the background and where the customer comes to the fore as never before.
For here is an old truth still valid today: customers are loyal to you inasmuch as you are loyal to them.

Business Challenge
With this simple truth in mind, Toshiba TEC and Microsoft Windows Embedded value added distributor Koning & Hartman bonded strongly with major retail organisations in The Netherlands to lay down the road to more CONNECTIVITY and COLLABORATION with customers.
Customers want to have a continuous connection with their shop, online as well as offline; tablets and smartphones offer therefore a fantastic bridge to brand the shop and communicate about the latest offerings, track orders, show DIY manuals online, ..
This is a two-way street of course: not only is the customer connected to the store; the retailer has also the means to learn and understand what makes his customers tick. Hence, has the opportunity to improve his standing with his customer base and expand his customer base as his approval rating steadily improves because of this positive interaction. Smart, connected consumers are here to stay: Toshiba TEC and Microsoft listened and offered a comprehensive future-proof retail technology platform for food retailers in The Netherlands. With stunning results!


With a total of 4,785 supermarkets in The Netherlands, Toshiba TEC and Microsoft Windows Embedded teamed up to offer all of them a comprehensive software platform to bring the digital retail transformation to their customers’ doorstep.
Seven of the country’s largest supermarket organisations responded positively to the program to drive down costs and build smart bridges between e-commerce and their brick and mortar stores. A total of 945 supermarkets, or nearly 20 percent of Dutch food stores, are currently being transformed on a fast track (and on budget), installing the Microsoft Windows XP Embedded operating system together with Toshiba TEC storeMate, a dedicated retail software suite.
“The Dutch retailers who took the strategic decision to translate innovative technologies into sustainable improvement of their bottom line show they have what it takes in strategic outlook and perseverance to come out of these tough economic times stronger, more profitable, but above all, smarter and better connected to every single customer of theirs,” said Myriam Semery, Windows Embedded Business Lead Europe. “Microsoft entered the embedded marketplace over 15 years ago and continues to lead the evolution toward intelligent systems with an extensive suite of technologies

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