White paper

Download ‘5 Trends Shaping the Document Management Landscape’

[sponsored white paper] Organizations are looking to eliminate paper documents as much as possible from the work floor.

Organizations are looking to eliminate paper documents as much as possible from the work floor. The motivations are diverse: paper slows down business processes, is expensive to store, and prevents employees such as travelling sales people and those with home offices from being mobile.

At the same time many organizations still fail to manage their digital documents properly. They store the growing number of digital documents in multiple locations: local or network drives, USB sticks, (overflowing) email boxes, or spread over a number of personal cloud-based file sharing accounts like Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive.

Document Management Systems range from digital case management through project collaboration sites and knowledge portals, to certified quality management systems and digital archives. In essence, Document Management aims to make employees more mobile and productive when working with documents, while enforcing compliance and security.

Five important trends affect the roadmap of Document Management. Three of these – cloud, mobile and social – apply more generally to enterprise software. The other two – frameworks/solutions and intelligence – are more specific to document management software itself.

Download the white paper "5 Trends Shaping the Document Management Landscape", to discover how five major trends promise to converge and shape our organisations.

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